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Dirty Bulking

Dirty Bulking

Dirty bulking is a bodybuilding term that refers to a practice of consuming surplus calories from unhealthy sources with minimal concern for nutrition quality. The process involves intentionally increasing daily caloric intake with the aim of building muscle mass and bulking up. While bulking up, it is assumed that the bodybuilder will also put on some fat due to the excess calorie intake.

Examples of Dirty Bulking

Examples of dirty bulking include eating high-calorie fast foods, junk foods, processed foods, pizza, burgers, and sugary beverages. These foods have high-calorie content, unhealthy fats, high carbs, and low nutritional value. Bodybuilders who engage in dirty bulking often get a reputation for being out of shape because of the visible accumulation of fat.

Synonyms and Antonyms of Dirty Bulking

Some synonyms of dirty bulking include junk bulking, sloppy bulking, and gluttonous bulking. On the other hand, some antonyms of dirty bulking are clean bulking or lean bulking, which refers to a bodybuilding strategy that emphasizes a balanced diet plan with a modest caloric surplus, mainly from nutritious foods.

Related Terms

Other terms related to dirty bulking are dieting, cutting, refeeding, nutrient timing, and post-workout nutrition. Dieting refers to a practice of eating less or fewer calories to lose weight or achieve specific fitness goals. Cutting involves a bodybuilding strategy of losing body fat while maintaining muscle mass. Refeeding refers to a planned break from dieting or cutting, where the bodybuilder consumes more calories to get a metabolic boost. Nutrient timing involves eating certain foods at specific times for optimal performance, while post-workout nutrition involves the consumption of nutrient-rich foods after exercise to replenish the body's energy stores.

Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.