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Two Year Weight Journey: From 150Lbs to 158Lbs with 22% to 12% Body Fat

Follow a user's weight journey from 150lbs with 22% body fat to 158lbs with 12% body fat over two years with bodybuilding. Learn from their experience and motivation!

Article by Madeleine Smith

A progress pic of a 5'7" man showing a snapshot of 150 pounds at a height of 5'7
M/18/5'7 150lbs/22% > 158lbs/12% (2 Years) + Bodybuilding
Originally posted on /r/Brogress


The journey to fitness is not an easy feat, but with hard work, motivation, and the right mindset, it is certainly achievable. This is exemplified by one reddit user's two-year weight journey. At the start of their journey, they weighed 150lbs with 22% body fat. Now, two years later, they weigh 158lbs with 12% body fat, all thanks to consistent bodybuilding and a determined mindset.

The Start of the Journey

At the beginning of their journey, this user was unhappy with their weight and body fat percentage. They turned to bodybuilding as a means to change that. The first few months of their journey were difficult, but they persisted by sticking with a regular workout routine and proper nutrition. The user also regularly tracked their progress, allowing them to see their improvements.

The Turning Point

After several months of consistent effort, the user began to see significant changes in their body. They had gained muscle mass and lost body fat, which was enough motivation to keep going. The user began to train harder and push themselves beyond their limits. This was also the point where they started to become more conscious about their diet.

The Importance of Mindset

The user's journey was not just about physical changes, but mental ones as well. Throughout their two-year journey, they developed a strong mental fortitude and discipline. They learned to embrace the challenges that came with their fitness journey, viewing them as opportunities for growth. This mindset allowed them to stay motivated even when the going got tough.

Final Thoughts

This user's two-year weight journey is a testament to the power of hard work, consistency, and determination. By combining bodybuilding with a healthy diet and a strong mindset, they were able to transform their body and improve their overall health. While everyone's journey may differ, this user's experience serves as a motivation for anyone looking to embark on their own fitness journey. Remember, with hard work and determination, anything is possible!

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.