By Height By Weight  

What does a 80kg, 160cm female look like?

195 curated photos from around the internet to give you a better idea of what a 80 kg woman looks like at a height of 160cm

A picture of a 5'4" female showing a weight bulk from 149 pounds to 176 pounds. A net gain of 27 pounds.

Progress of a Reddit User's Weight Gain Journey: Bulking and Cutting for 27Lbs

Weight After
80 Kg
160 cm
31 / 26
A photo of a 5'4" woman showing a weight bulk from 170 pounds to 184 pounds. A total gain of 14 pounds.

Overcoming Illness: a Journey From 170Lb to 184Lb in 2 Months

Weight After
83 Kg
160 cm
33 / 30
A picture of a 5'4" female showing a weight loss from 290 pounds to 170 pounds. A respectable loss of 120 pounds.

From 290 to 170Lbs: a Woman's Incredible Weight Loss Journey

Weight After
77 Kg
160 cm
30 / 51
A before and after photo of a 5'4" female showing a weight reduction from 175 pounds to 145 pounds. A total loss of 30 pounds.

30Lbs Weight Loss Journey with Intermittent Fasting, Fruits, Veggies, and Exercise

Weight Before
79 Kg
160 cm
26 / 31
A picture of a 5'4" female showing a weight loss from 255 pounds to 170 pounds. A net loss of 85 pounds.

F/23/5’4” Weight Loss Journey: Low Carb/Cico + Cardio & Weightlifting

Weight After
77 Kg
160 cm
30 / 45
A photo of a 5'4" woman showing a weight cut from 200 pounds to 176 pounds. A respectable loss of 24 pounds.

From 200 to 176 in 13 Months: a Weight Loss Journey

Weight After
80 Kg
160 cm
31 / 35
A picture of a 5'4" female showing a snapshot of 170 pounds at a height of 5'4

F/25/5'4'', 0Lbs Lost in 2 Months: the Journey of Sheogoraths Bitch

77 Kg
A photo of a 5'4" woman showing a weight cut from 230 pounds to 180 pounds. A net loss of 50 pounds.

How Reddit User Hellyeahbruthur Lost 50 Pounds in 14 Months

Weight After
82 Kg
160 cm
32 / 41
A before and after photo of a 5'4" female showing a weight reduction from 180 pounds to 157 pounds. A net loss of 23 pounds.

F/34/5'4" Weight Loss Journey: 180Lbs > 157Lbs

Weight Before
82 Kg
160 cm
28 / 32
A before and after photo of a 5'4" female showing a weight reduction from 176 pounds to 154 pounds. A respectable loss of 22 pounds.

From 176 Lbs to 154 Lbs: Inspirational Weight Loss Journey

Weight Before
80 Kg
160 cm
27 / 31
A progress pic of a 5'4" woman showing a fat loss from 180 pounds to 138 pounds. A net loss of 42 pounds.

From 180 to 138 Lbs: a 2 Year Weight Loss Journey

Weight Before
82 Kg
160 cm
25 / 32
A before and after photo of a 5'4" female showing a weight reduction from 260 pounds to 180 pounds. A respectable loss of 80 pounds.

F/35/5'4 [260Lbs<180Lbs=80Lbs] Reddit User's Remarkable Two Year Weight Loss Journey

Weight After
82 Kg
160 cm
32 / 46
A progress pic of a 5'4" woman showing a fat loss from 425 pounds to 175 pounds. A total loss of 250 pounds.

F/33/5'4" Weight Loss Journey 250Lbs Resulting Loss Using if and High Protein Diet

Weight After
79 Kg
160 cm
31 / 75
A photo of a 5'3" woman showing a fat loss from 170 pounds to 124 pounds. A respectable loss of 46 pounds.

F/24/5'3 [170 > 124.5 = 46 Lbs] Obese > Healthy in 2 Years: What I've Learned Along the Way

Weight Before
77 Kg
160 cm
22 / 30
A picture of a 5'3" female showing a weight loss from 172 pounds to 138 pounds. A total loss of 34 pounds.

F/24/5'3 [172>138] Gw: 115 34Lbs Weight Loss Progress

Weight Before
78 Kg
160 cm
25 / 31
A before and after photo of a 5'3" female showing a weight cut from 178 pounds to 163 pounds. A respectable loss of 15 pounds.

F/19/5'3 [178 Lbs > 163 Lbs = 15 Lbs] I'm Not Even Close to My Goal but This Difference Cheered Me Up!

Weight Before
81 Kg
160 cm
29 / 32