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A Successful 48 Pound Weight Loss Journey by a 22 Year Old

A Reddit user named Jazminerose shares her 7-month progress of going from 200lbs to 152lbs. She attributes her success to a vegetarian diet and hula dancing.

Article by Madeleine Smith

A before and after photo of a 5'4" female showing a weight reduction from 200 pounds to 152 pounds. A net loss of 48 pounds.
F/22/5'4" [200lbs>152lbs] Difference between these photos is 7 months.
Originally posted on /r/progresspics


Weight loss journeys can be challenging and time-consuming. However, with the right mindset and actions, it can be achieved. One Reddit user, Jazminerose, successfully lost 48 pounds in seven months, and she shared her welcoming progress with the community.

Diet and Weight Loss

According to Jazminerose, she started a vegetarian diet as early as last summer, which was the beginning of her progress. She became more conscious of what she ate and made wiser choices on making her meals. She believes that changing her diet was the key to her weight loss success.

Hula Dancing and Physical Changes

Aside from changing her diet, Jazminerose did hula dancing, which she found much more fun than doing regular exercise. She also became more active by getting outside and moving more since she got out of a long-term relationship where they laid around all day and did nothing. These changes helped her keep a positive momentum toward her weight loss goal.

Grateful and Encouraging

In the Reddit thread, Jazminerose expressed her gratefulness for the comments and the community's encouragement. Many commended her for her effort and progress, which can be seen in the comments. Also, Jazminerose actively interacted with her well-wishers, answering questions and providing tips.


Losing weight requires consistency, dedication, and hard work. Jazminerose's weight loss journey is a testament that anyone can achieve their fitness goals by having the right mindset and taking necessary actions. Anyone can also try different methods and routines, like what Jazminerose did, to customize their weight loss journey according to their preferences and health.

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.