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One Month into Weight Lifting: a Reddit User's Weight Journey

Read about a Reddit user's weight journey and tips for weight lifting and strength training. Discover how to stick to a clean diet for an overall healthy lifestyle.

Article by Madeleine Smith

A picture of a 5'5" female showing a weight loss from 160 pounds to 154 pounds. A net loss of 6 pounds.
F/24/5'5.5" [160lbs > 154lbs = 6lbs] One month into weight lifting / strength training
Originally posted on /r/progresspics

Weight Loss through Weight Lifting

GypsyEyes6, a F/24/5’5.5” Reddit user, shares her one-month weight journey following weight lifting and strength training. From a starting weight of 160 pounds, she loses 6 pounds and looks great!

Fitness Routine

Following intense research, GypsyEyes6 concluded that a 4-day upper/lower split is most efficient for her. Consisting of two days on and one off, this workout is then repeated with two rest days. GypsyEyes6 constantly includes squats, leg press, dumbbell rows, and deadlifts in her exercise routine.

Eating Clean

One of the hardest things about weight loss is sticking to a clean diet. GypsyEyes6 says that she has been avoiding processed foods but french fries remain her weakness. Her story is a testament that a healthy lifestyle requires both regular exercise and good nutrition.

The Results

GypsyEyes6’s progress after one month is amazing. She's encouraged to continue with her fitness routine and reach her goals. As Reddit commentators suggest, one year under the same routine would bring fantastic results.

Motivation and Inspiration

Reading Reddit user's weight journeys is often a great source of motivation and inspiration. GypsyEyes6’s photos are proof that weightlifting, strength training, and maintaining a healthy diet are keys to a healthy, toned body. Try these tips for yourself and see the positive changes that come with an active, healthy lifestyle.

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.