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Weight Loss Journey: 244Lbs to 170Lbs in 8.5 Years

Read about Sdizzle24's incredible 74lbs weight loss journey and how he became more confident and attractive.

Article by Madeleine Smith

A picture of a 5'10" male showing a weight loss from 244 pounds to 170 pounds. A net loss of 74 pounds.
M/25/5'10 [244lbs > 170lbs = 74lbs] (8 1/2 years) This is for all the quiet/shy/bullied overweight kids who think they'll never be attractive. You might be surprised what you find under the extra pounds. I definitely was.
Originally posted on /r/progresspics


Sdizzle24 has shared his amazing weight loss journey on Reddit, revealing how he went from 244lbs to 170lbs over 8.5 years. His transformation is inspiring to those who feel reluctant to take charge of their lives due to fears of being unattractive or bullied.

The Struggle

Sdizzle24 recalls being overweight and bullied in his school years, which took a significant toll on his self-esteem. He had to motivate himself to begin his weight loss journey quickly. Transforming a body is no easy task, but Sdizzle24 was determined to see it through. He started with small changes, such as setting a target weight, meal preparation and exercise routines.

Results and Rewards

Over time, Sdizzle24 saw the results, and he began feeling more confident and happy in his own skin. He was also able to look back at pictures of him from earlier years and see the significant transformation he had undergone. He shared some of the positive reinforcement he received from Reddit commentators on his post. That helped him maintain weight.


There were also some barriers that Sdizzle24 had to overcome, such as the constant craving for junk food, unhealthy habits or unhealthy life choices of people around him. But, he identified which situations were tempting, and he narrowed down on substitutes to maintain healthy dietary patterns.


Sdizzle24's journey is a testament to the power of consistent transformation. It was neither easy nor fast but his determination and patience eventually paid off. Sdizzle24 is a real inspiration to anyone struggling with their body or self-image. Small steps eventually lead to significant changes, so it is never too late to begin the journey of self-empowerment.

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.