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A Redditor's Weight Loss Journey: From 245 to 215 Pounds in 8 Months

Follow the journey of Redditor georvis9 who shares his weight loss progress from 245 to 215 pounds in 8 months while playing baseball again.

Article by Madeleine Smith

A picture of a 5'9" male showing a weight loss from 245 pounds to 215 pounds. A total loss of 30 pounds.
M/29/5'9"[245>215 8 months] havent been able to shed some weight lately, but feel good as i started playing baseball again.
Originally posted on /r/progresspics

Meet georvis9, a 29-year-old male who stands at 5'9". In his recent Reddit post, he shares his weight loss progress from 245 to 215 pounds in 8 months. Though he admits to struggling with shedding weight lately, he feels good as he started playing baseball again.

It's inspiring to read positive comments from fellow Reddit users who can relate to georvis9's journey. One user shares that they are the same age and height but have more body fat, while another user at 178 pounds also feels they have more fat than georvis9. These comments show that weight loss and body fat percentage can vary among individuals with the same height and weight.

Georvis9 admits that he is still 'meaty as fuck' but feels better and is committed to pushing himself to reach his fitness goals. He shares that he wants to aim for 190 pounds, a bit heavier but fit for his height. This demonstrates that everyone's weight loss journey and desired weight can be unique and personal.

His determination to keep going and positive outlook towards his progress is admirable, and it's exciting to see others also share their weight loss stories in the comment section. One user shares that they started at 260 pounds, and just today got down to 215 pounds. They express feeling different in their body and encourages georvis9 to keep us updated.

In conclusion, georvis9 shares his weight loss journey on Reddit, inspiring and connecting with other users who have gone through or are going through similar experiences. It is motivating to see individuals like georvis9 persevere towards their goal and shows that with dedication, commitment, and support, weight loss and fitness goals can be achievable for anyone.

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.