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From 232Lb to 215Lb: a Journey to a Healthier Weight

F21 recounts her weight loss journey, from initial weight to progress photos. Her post inspires fitness enthusiasts.

Article by Madeleine Smith

A picture of a 5'8" female showing a weight loss from 232 pounds to 215 pounds. A total loss of 17 pounds.
F/21/5'8" [~232lb > 215lb = ~17lbs] Forst picture is from Oct. 2014. Second picture is from last night.
Originally posted on /r/progresspics


Macaroni5335, a female Reddit user, shared her weight loss journey on the popular online forum. Her progress photos showcased a 17-pound weight loss, from 232lb to 215lb. Her post received 92 upvotes and two comments that are positive.

From the Desk of the User

Macaroni5335, a Planet Fitness worker, started her weight loss journey last October 2014. Her latest progress photo was taken on the night of posting (Reddit post title).

Positive Outlook On Healthy Living

Her post provided a lot of hope to people who are still struggling to lose weight. According to her, it isn't always easy but with dedication and a positive attitude, anything is possible. She mentioned that she's still struggling with her sleeping habits and water intake, but she's determined and won't give up soon.

Commenters Encouragements

Commenters on her post shared their encouraging words to motivate her further. From congratulatory remarks to compliments, her viewers shared their optimism for her achieving her goal. Notably, one user asked Macaroni5335 if she had been working at Planet Fitness, and she confirmed that she had only started a month before posting.


Macaroni5335's post served as a source of inspiration for many people struggling to lose weight. Her positive outlook on healthy living was on display through her words and progress photos. Macaroni5335's journey proves that anyone can achieve their ideal weight through perseverance and determination.

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.