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F/27 4 Month Weight Loss Journey: Losing 10 Lbs with Diet Changes and Cardio Workouts

TacoBelle_18 shares her before-and-after journey, highlighting her switch to healthy eating habits and increased cardio workouts.

Article by Madeleine Smith

A before and after photo of a 5'5" female showing a weight reduction from 140 pounds to 130 pounds. A total loss of 10 pounds.
F/27/5'5 [140>130 = 10 lbs] 4 month journey
Originally posted on /r/progresspics

Who is TacoBelle_18 and what are her weight loss goals?

TacoBelle_18 is a Reddit user who shared her progress photos after losing 10 lbs in 4 months. Her starting weight was 140 lbs, and she currently weighs 130 lbs. Her goal was to lose weight and keep it off, especially around her midsection.

What lifestyle changes did TacoBelle_18 make?

TacoBelle_18 made significant changes to her eating habits, which was the biggest contributor to her weight loss. She counted calories and paid attention to what she ate, opting for healthy snacks instead of her previous choices. Along with that, she invested 40 minutes in daily cardio exercises such as stairs, jogging, walking, and box jumps. Additionally, she spent 20 minutes doing weight training, which helped in developing muscle mass.

What did TacoBelle_18 learn throughout her weight loss journey?

TacoBelle_18 learned the importance of consistency and patience when it comes to weight loss. She mentioned that sticking to a healthy diet and exercise routine was initially challenging, but the progress she saw over time motivated her to keep going. Additionally, she discovered how meal prepping was a game-changer for her. By preparing her meals in advance, she had healthy food options even when she had a tight schedule.

What can others take away from TacoBelle_18's weight loss journey?

TacoBelle_18's weight loss journey highlights the critical role of a healthy diet in losing weight. Consistent exercise routines, along with weight training, also help in building muscle and toning the body. Finally, the importance of patience and consistency in maintaining weight loss cannot be overstated. For individuals seeking to start their weight loss journey, TacoBelle_18's tips on meal prepping and substituting unhealthy snacks with healthier alternatives may come in handy.

Final thoughts

TacoBelle_18's weight loss journey highlights how simple lifestyle changes can lead to significant progress over time. Incorporating healthy choices into one's diet and exercising consistently can lead to sustainable weight loss. TacoBelle_18's journey serves as a reminder that a positive mindset, patience, and discipline can help individuals reach their weight loss goals.

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.