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From 92Kg to 72Kg: a 20Kg Weight Loss Journey in 6 Months

Read about DarkOrbit99's 6-month weight loss journey, shedding 20kg and still going strong.

Article by Madeleine Smith

A before and after photo of a 5'5" female showing a weight reduction from 202 pounds to 158 pounds. A total loss of 44 pounds.
F/21/5'5" 92kg > 72kg = 20kg down in 6 Months and still going.
Originally posted on /r/progresspics


DarkOrbit99, a 21-year-old female who stands 5'5, shared an impressive weight loss journey on Reddit. In just 6 months, she went from 92kg to 72kg - a total loss of 20kg! Her post garnered 178 upvotes on the website, indicating that many people were inspired by her dedication and results.

Diet Changes

DarkOrbit99 explained that most of her weight loss progress came from dietary changes. Firstly, she cut out all sugary drinks and swapped them with water. She also avoided processed foods and started cooking her own meals with fresh ingredients. Additionally, she reduced her portion sizes and practiced intermittent fasting, which involves limiting eating to a specific window of time each day.

Exercise Routine

DarkOrbit99 also incorporated exercise into her routine. She started with low-intensity cardio, such as walking, and gradually worked her way up to more intense exercise such as weightlifting and HIIT workouts. She found that mixing up her workouts kept things interesting and prevented boredom.

Mental Health Support

DarkOrbit99 emphasized the importance of mental health support throughout her weight loss journey. She mentioned that she struggled with anxiety and depression and found that talking to a therapist and surrounding herself with supportive friends helped her stay on track. She also recommended focusing on progress rather than perfection and not being too hard on oneself.


DarkOrbit99's weight loss journey is a testament to the power of making small and sustainable lifestyle changes. By cutting out sugary drinks, focusing on fresh ingredients, and incorporating exercise into her routine, she was able to shed 20kg in just 6 months. Additionally, prioritizing mental health support was crucial in keeping her motivated and on track. Her journey serves as a reminder that anyone can make progress towards their health goals with dedication and patience.

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.