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A 3 Year Weight Loss Journey: From 215 to 154 Lbs

Read about a Reddit user's experience on their weight loss journey over 3 years, from 215 lbs to 154 lbs, with face comparison photos.

Article by Madeleine Smith

A before and after photo of a 5'8" male showing a weight reduction from 215 pounds to 154 pounds. A net loss of 61 pounds.
m/22/5'8 [215 > 154 = 61] On and off for 32 months (about 3 years), here's a face comparison
Originally posted on /r/progresspics


Losing weight is a popular goal for many people. For some, it's a matter of looking better, while for others, it's about improving their health. One Reddit user, who wishes to remain anonymous, shared their weight loss journey over 3 years, going from 215 lbs to 154 lbs.

On and Off Progress

The Reddit user admits that their weight loss progress was on and off during the 32 months. They tried various methods, including cutting out sugary drinks, intermittent fasting, and counting calories. Despite some setbacks along the way, they continued to push themselves to achieve their goal.


One of the keys to the user's success was their self-motivation. They didn't have a personal trainer or coach to guide them, but they stayed determined and disciplined. They found that setting small goals helped them stay on track and made their progress feel more achievable.

Face Comparison Photos

The user posted a face comparison photo on Reddit, showing their transformation over the years. The difference was striking, and the user received plenty of positive comments from the community. They say it was rewarding to see how far they had come and how much their hard work had paid off.


The Reddit user's weight loss journey shows that with self-motivation, consistency, and determination, anyone can achieve their goals. While their methods may not work for everyone, it's important to remember that weight loss is a personal journey, and what works for one person may not work for another. If you're on a weight loss journey, stay focused on your goals, stay motivated, and stay disciplined, and you too can see progress and transformation over time.

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.