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How ‘Throwawayformyneeds’ Lost 20Lbs in 3 Months and Gained Shoulder Definition

Read about how reddit user ThrowawayForMyNeeds lost 20lbs in 3 months and gained shoulder definition through diet and exercise.

Article by Madeleine Smith

A progress pic of a 6'0" man showing a fat loss from 225 pounds to 205 pounds. A total loss of 20 pounds.
M/19/6'0" [225 -> 205 = 20lbs lost](3 months) Went a little crazy during my holiday bulk, I'm almost back where I was thankfully
Originally posted on /r/progresspics


Reddit user ThrowawayForMyNeeds shared their weight loss journey on the platform. Despite going crazy during a holiday bulk, the 19-year-old male managed to lose 20lbs in three months, going from 225lbs to 205lbs. The post also received 87 upvotes and 4 comments from the community.

Diet and exercise plan

The post does not include detailed information about the user's specific diet and exercise plan. However, it is clear from the comments that they may have incorporated full-body workouts, abs and obliques exercises, as well as cardio, in addition to working on leg muscles to build muscle mass and lose belly fat.

Community support

Reddit users showed their support and admiration for ThrowawayForMyNeeds' weight loss journey, complementing the user's shoulder definition and lines from shoulder to neck. The conversation showcased the best of the online community, with users even discussing their mutual love of the Nexus 6 phone.


ThrowawayForMyNeeds' post serves as inspiration for anyone looking to start their own weight loss journey. While the post does not offer a specific program, it highlights the importance of developing a sustainable plan and seeking support from like-minded individuals. As the community comments showcase, there are many ways to approach achieving your body goals, and finding what works for you is key.


Weight loss journeys are often challenging and can feel isolating at times. However, communities like the one on Reddit can offer invaluable support and inspiration. Ultimately, the key to success lies in developing a sustainable, personalized plan and consistently executing it. So, whether your goal is losing a few pounds, gaining muscle definition or simply getting healthier, take inspiration from ThrowawayForMyNeeds' journey and start yours today!

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.