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F/25/5'10 Weight Loss Journey: From 197 to 167 Lbs in 18 Months

Read about a redditor's inspiring weight loss journey, shedding 30 lbs in 18 months. Find out how she did it and the challenges she faced.

Article by Madeleine Smith

A picture of a 5'10" female showing a weight reduction from 197 pounds to 167 pounds. A total loss of 30 pounds.
A picture of a 5'10" female showing a weight reduction from 197 pounds to 167 pounds. A total loss of 30 pounds.
A picture of a 5'10" female showing a weight reduction from 197 pounds to 167 pounds. A total loss of 30 pounds.
F/25/5'10 [197 > 167 = 30lbs] (18 months) Face comparison
Originally posted on /r/progresspics

A personal journey: username [deleted]'s weight loss

Reddit user [deleted] posted a striking before-and-after picture of her face, comparing her appearance before and after losing weight, with a caption detailing her progress - a loss of 30lbs in 18 months. The post garnered 114 upvotes and several comments. However, [deleted]'s weight loss journey, as detailed in her comment history, is even more inspiring.

The path to change: how did she lose the weight?

When [deleted] realized she had reached her highest weight ever, she decided to make a change. She cut out processed food, sugar, and most dairy, focusing on nutrient-rich whole foods. She also started running and doing yoga consistently. Despite hitting plateaus and dealing with some setbacks, [deleted] kept at it, tracking her progress with photos and measurements.

Overcoming obstacles: the challenges of weight loss

As [deleted] shared in her comments, losing weight was not easy. She dealt with mental health struggles, financial limitations, and social pressures. At times, she would fall back into her old habits, but she refused to let setbacks define her progress. Instead, she focused on getting back on track and celebrating small victories along the way.

A rewarding journey: the benefits of weight loss

For [deleted], the benefits of losing weight go far beyond her physical appearance. She has more energy, improved self-confidence, and a better relationship with food. She has also been able to inspire others who want to embark on a similar path to better health. [deleted]'s journey is a testament to the power of determination and self-love in reaching one's health goals.

Takeaways for a successful weight loss journey

From [deleted]'s experience, here are some key takeaways for those looking to embark on a weight loss journey: focus on whole, nutrient-dense foods, find an exercise routine that works for you, track your progress, and stay resilient in the face of setbacks. Remember that change takes time and effort, but every small step counts towards a healthier you.

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.