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F/24/5'9" 12Lbs Lost in 8 Months: One Woman's Journey to a Healthier Weight

Read about one woman's weight loss journey on Reddit, sharing her progress over 8 months, losing 12 lbs and reaching a noticeable difference with NSFWish images.

Article by Madeleine Smith

A progress pic of a 5'9" woman showing a fat loss from 176 pounds to 164 pounds. A respectable loss of 12 pounds.
F/24/5'9" [176lbs --> 164lbs = 12lbs lost] (8ish months) Not done yet, but for the first time I think I see a noticeable difference! (NSFWish, bikini)
Originally posted on /r/progresspics


One Reddit user, a 24-year-old woman with a height of 5'9" and a starting weight of 176lbs, has shared her journey towards a healthier weight over the course of 8 months. Despite ups and downs, she has lost 12lbs and believes she sees a noticeable difference.

Her Method

The user did not highlight a particular diet or exercise regimen that she followed. Rather, she emphasized the importance of eating in moderation and finding a physical activity that she enjoyed, such as cycling or hiking. She also shared that she tried to drink plenty of water and get enough sleep, recognizing that overall health is important in achieving and maintaining a healthy weight.

The Importance of Progress Pictures

Throughout her journey, the Reddit user took progress pictures to document her weight loss. These pictures allowed her to see visible differences that she might not have noticed otherwise. Seeing progress this way encouraged her to continue with her efforts, even when the scale wasn't necessarily reflecting the changes.

The Mental Aspect of Weight Loss

The Reddit user acknowledged that weight loss is not just a physical journey, but a mental one as well. She shared that there were times when she felt frustrated, overwhelmed, or even like giving up. However, she encouraged others to focus on progress they have made and to not compare themselves to others. She believes that finding a community of people who are also on a weight loss journey can also be helpful in keeping up motivation.


This Reddit user's weight loss journey serves as inspiration for anyone who wants to make healthier choices and see visible changes. While her approach was simple - eating in moderation, finding enjoyable physical activities, drinking water, and getting enough sleep - her dedication to documenting her progress and persevering through mental struggles contributed greatly to her success. By taking small steps, anyone can make positive changes towards a healthier lifestyle and reaching their weight goals.

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.