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F/20/5'2" [164Lbs 153Lbs] 1 Month Weight Loss Journey

Read about a Reddit user's weight loss journey using elliptical, pole fitness classes, and food journaling. Discover effective methods in losing weight without depriving oneself.

Article by Madeleine Smith

A progress pic of a 5'2" woman showing a fat loss from 164 pounds to 153 pounds. A total loss of 11 pounds.
F/20/5'2" [164lbs-153lbs] 1 month ~Trying to get myself fit and healthy before the big 21
Originally posted on /r/progresspics


Do you struggle with weight loss? Are you looking for inspiration? Look no further! One Reddit user shared her weight loss journey and received positive feedback from the community. In this article, we'll dive deeper into her journey and look at the methods she used.

Exercise routine

The user's exercise routine consisted of going on the elliptical for 40 minutes to an hour every day at a low resistance level to get lean. She also took pole fitness classes to build upper body and core strength. Weight lifting is another good option for losing weight, especially utilizing compound movements (i.e., squats, deadlifts). One user suggested high-intensity interval training to burn more calories and fat.

Food journaling

The user shares that she is a foodie and loves cooking. She cooks healthier and tastier food in a slow cooker. Her best method for monitoring her food intake is keeping a food journal. She doesn't count the calories but writes down everything she eats, especially marking which ones are "good" and "bad". By doing so, it helps steer clear from a lot of junk food and overeating.

Short ladies struggles

It's no secret that it's more difficult for shorter people to lose weight than taller people. However, her journey shows it's not impossible. The user doesn't track her calorie intake but focuses on eating more fruits and veggies. She used to eat 2000+ calories a day and now averages around 1200-1400 calories a day.


This Reddit user is giving hope and inspiration to many people who struggle with weight loss. Her journey shows that it's not an overnight change but a lifestyle change. By doing things she enjoys, such as pole fitness classes and cooking with a slow cooker, it makes the transition easier to maintain. To those who are also struggling with weight loss, try new things and find what works for you. With patience and consistency, progress will come.

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.