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Amazing Transformation: F/25 Goes From 140 to 126 in Three Months

A Reddit user named Saiuri25 shares amazing pictures of her weight loss journey from 140 to 126 pounds in three months. Her progress inspires discussion about exercise routines and techniques to improve posture.

Article by Madeleine Smith

A before and after photo of a 5'2" female showing a weight reduction from 140 pounds to 126 pounds. A respectable loss of 14 pounds.
F/25/5'2" [140>126](3months) Gut progress!!
Originally posted on /r/progresspics


Saiuri25 is a Reddit user who made an amazing transformation in just three months. She shared her progress pictures, which show her weight dropping from 140 to 126 pounds. These photos inspired a discussion about exercise routines and techniques to improve posture.

The Importance of Posture

Several people noted in the comments that Saiuri25 appeared to have an anterior pelvic tilt, which could cause her stomach to appear larger than it actually is. They suggested exercises to help her realign her pelvis and improve her posture. This demonstrates that small changes in posture can significantly impact the appearance of the body's shape.

Saiuri25's Exercise Routine

Many commenters were curious about Saiuri25's exercise routine. She shared that she starts every day with a one mile jog and eats a fruit or vegetable breakfast. Five days a week, she engages in some form of exercise that takes at least two hours, such as hiking, swimming, or long bike rides. She also has a 20-minute arm-focused weightlifting routine, followed by stretching or loose yoga. Every day she maintains a gluten-free diet.

Perseverance Pays Off

Saiuri25's transformation did not come easy. She faced personal challenges, such as getting up every day for the run first thing in the morning. At first, jogging a couple hundred feet was difficult, but as she saw progress, she was motivated to push herself further. Her story is proof that perseverance and dedication can lead to real results.


Saiuri25 serves as an inspiration to many on Reddit. Her success shows that small changes in posture, diet, and exercise can have a big impact on losing weight and improving overall health. Her progress proves that with dedication and perseverance, anyone can make a significant change in their lifestyle and see real results.

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.