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From 210 to 165 Lbs: How a Reddit User Lost 45 Pounds in Just 6 Months

Read about one person's weight loss journey from 210 to 165 pounds in just 6 months, and see the impact it had on his life.

Article by Madeleine Smith

A progress pic of a 5'9" man showing a fat loss from 210 pounds to 165 pounds. A respectable loss of 45 pounds.
29/M/5'9" 210-165 (45 lbs, 6 months) ... No more breasts
Originally posted on /r/progresspics


Losing weight can be a challenging journey, but it's always inspiring to read stories of people who have successfully transformed their bodies and lives. One such story is that of a 29-year-old Reddit user who goes by the username [deleted]. Through hard work, dedication, and a major lifestyle change, he managed to lose an impressive 45 pounds in just six months, going from 210 to 165 pounds.

No More Breasts

In his initial post, which received over 100 upvotes, [deleted] shared his excitement over the changes he had seen in his body. He pointed out that he had lost a considerable amount of belly fat and no longer had breasts. This change alone boosted his confidence and self-esteem.

Diet and Exercise

So how did [deleted] manage to lose all that weight? For starters, he made some significant changes to his diet. He cut out junk food, fried food, sugary drinks, and processed snacks. Instead, he focused on eating more fruits, vegetables, and lean proteins. He also drank plenty of water to stay hydrated.

Consistency is Key

In addition to cleaning up his diet, [deleted] started working out regularly. He did a combination of cardio and weight training, and he made sure to stick to his exercise routine even on days when he didn't feel like it. He found that sticking to a consistent routine was crucial in seeing results.


Thanks to his hard work and dedication, [deleted] was able to transform his body and his life. He gained confidence and self-esteem, and he was proud of what he had accomplished. His story shows that with the right mindset, diet, and exercise routine, anyone can achieve their weight loss goals. If you're looking to make a change in your own life, take inspiration from [deleted]'s journey and see what works for you.

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.