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82 Pounds Down: a Reddit User's Inspiring Weight Loss Journey

Read about how one Reddit user, snugglehistory, lost 82 pounds with small changes and determination.

Article by Madeleine Smith

A progress pic of a 5'6" woman showing a fat loss from 277 pounds to 195 pounds. A net loss of 82 pounds.
F/24/5'6" [277 > 195 = 82] "Fat pants" picture à la Jared-the-Subway-guy. I bought these pants a year ago!
Originally posted on /r/progresspics


A Reddit user, snugglehistory, shared her impressive weight-loss journey on the site, inspiring users with her transformation.

From 'Fat Pants' to a New Beginning

Snugglehistory shared a photo of herself in a pair of oversized pants she had bought a year ago, calling them her 'fat pants.' She had gone from 277 pounds to 195 pounds through small lifestyle changes like eating a healthy, balanced diet and working out regularly. Her post received over 200 upvotes and countless comments from users congratulating her on her progress and asking how she did it.

Small Changes That Made a Big Impact

When asked about her weight-loss journey, snugglehistory shared that she made small changes to her diet, like eating more protein and veggies, reducing her portion sizes, and drinking more water. She also began working out regularly, starting with walks and eventually incorporating more intense workouts like weight lifting. She emphasized that her journey was not a quick fix and took time and dedication.

Words of Encouragement

Snugglehistory's post and progress inspired many users to make changes in their own lives. Comments like 'you look amazing!' and 'keep up the good work!' flooded the post. Snugglehistory's experience is a reminder that taking small steps towards a goal can have a big impact in the long run.


Snugglehistory's weight-loss journey is an inspiring example of how small changes can lead to significant results. Her story encourages others to take steps towards a healthy lifestyle, emphasizing that it takes time and dedication. It also highlights the positive impact that sharing one's journey can have on others.

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.