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51 Lbs in 4 Months: a Weight Loss Journey

Follow the journey of a Reddit user who lost 51 lbs in 4 months. Learn about his struggles, challenges, and tips for success.

Article by Madeleine Smith

A picture of a 5'11" male showing a weight loss from 250 pounds to 199 pounds. A net loss of 51 pounds.
M/30/5'11" [250.6 lbs > 199.6 lbs = 51 lbs] (~4 months) Only lost 0.2 lbs in the past couple weeks because of the holiday, but happy to be under 200!
Originally posted on /r/progresspics

The Journey Begins

At 250.6 lbs, this 30-year-old, 5'11" Reddit user decided it was time to start his weight loss journey. He began tracking his calories and started doing cardio at the gym four to six times a week. In just four months, he was able to lose an impressive 51 lbs.

Holiday Roadblocks

Despite his success, the user faced challenges during the holiday season. He reported that he only lost 0.2 lbs in the past couple of weeks, which is understandable given the temptation of holiday treats. However, he did not let this discourage him and instead remained positive and committed to his goals.

Consistency Is Key

Throughout his journey, the Reddit user emphasized the importance of consistency. He tracked his calories every day, even on cheat days, and made sure to stick to his gym routine. This level of dedication helped him achieve his weight loss goal and stay on track.

Tips for Success

In addition to consistency, the user shared some tips that helped him along the way. He recommended finding a diet and exercise routine that works for you and not being too hard on yourself on cheat days. He also advised against relying solely on the scale to track progress and instead suggested taking progress pictures to see the physical changes in your body.


The weight loss journey of this Reddit user is a testament to the power of commitment and consistency. By tracking his calories and sticking to his gym routine, he was able to lose 51 lbs in just four months. While there were challenges along the way, he remained positive and focused on his goals. Anyone can achieve similar success by following his tips and finding what works best for them.

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.