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Why Progress Pictures Can Be Misleading: a Reddit User's Journey

Read how one user's experience with progress pictures on Reddit shows the potential for them to be misleading for viewers and even discouraging for the poster.

Article by Madeleine Smith

A progress pic of a 5'8" woman showing a snapshot of 203 pounds at a height of 5'8
A progress pic of a 5'8" woman showing a snapshot of 203 pounds at a height of 5'8
F/32/5'8" [203 - 203 = Not a single pound lost, NSFW chubby chick in undies]
Originally posted on /r/progresspics

The Power and Pitfalls of Progress Pictures

Progress pictures, where individuals document and post images of their body changes over time, can be a valuable source of motivation and inspiration for those on a weight loss journey. However, the Reddit user unusualcritter's post shines a light on the potential pitfalls of progress pictures. In her post, unusualcritter shows two images that appear to be identical, despite a week-long diet and exercise regimen, resulting in no weight loss. The post's title reflects her frustration with her perceived lack of progress, despite her efforts.

Skepticism from Other Users

Unusualcritter's post garnered 77 upvotes and several comments from other Reddit users. Notably, some expressed skepticism regarding other users' progress pictures. Lunarjellies highlighted the issue of angle and pose differences, which can make weight loss appear more dramatic than it is. Meanwhile, foreskin_piss_bomb described a post featuring a before-and-after photo of a person's butt before and after doing squats for three weeks, implying that the photos looked virtually identical aside from the person's pose.

How Progress Pictures Can Affect Poster Confidence

One significant issue that progress pictures can create is a loss of confidence for the poster. Unusualcritter admitted in her post that she struggled to take the 'before' photo shown alongside the 'after,' which differed only slightly. This struggle is not unique to her; many people don't want to document or photograph their body for comparison. Taking that step, only to feel that it was for nothing or that it's not a sufficient representation, can be discouraging for those posting and taking pictures alike.

The Importance of Honesty in Progress Pictures

The conversation around progress pictures on Reddit points to the importance of honesty in these posts. As the commenter JMACJR notes, results can and do vary, and people should keep that in mind when viewing progress pictures. However, posters have a responsibility as well to be honest in their photos and to document their journeys accurately. The comment from lunarjellies on the infamous squat photo highlights how dishonesty or misrepresentation, even in the form of an accidental or unintentional angle, can create a negative response from viewers and impact the poster's confidence.

Conclusion: A Grain of Salt for Progress Pictures

Ultimately, progress pictures can be a powerful tool for motivation and inspiration. However, their limitations and potential pitfalls need to be taken into account. As the Reddit conversation shows, viewers must be skeptical and look for progress that genuinely represents the poster's journey. As for posters, they should be honest and clear about their own journey, acknowledging that results may vary and avoiding unintentional misrepresentation. In this way, progress pictures can continue to serve as a valuable tool for those seeking to make real change in their lives.

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.