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M/19/5'10" Weight Journey: From 140 to 165 Lbs in 10 Months

Read about the weight journey of a Reddit user who gained 25 lbs in 10 months by hitting the gym consistently. Find out about his progress and tips that may help you achieve your fitness goals.

Article by Madeleine Smith

A photo of a 5'10" man showing a weight gain from 140 pounds to 165 pounds. A total gain of 25 pounds.
M/19/5'10" [140 --> 165 lbs] (10 months) Finally started hitting the gym! Still not done, but happy with my progress so far.
Originally posted on /r/progresspics


Gaining weight is a challenge for some people, and often requires a lot of effort and discipline. However, when done correctly, it can lead to significant improvements in one's health and appearance. This article will showcase the weight journey of a Reddit user who went from 140 to 165 lbs in just 10 months.

The Journey

The Reddit user, whose username has been deleted, started gaining weight by hitting the gym consistently. He did not provide any specific details about his diet, but he mentioned that he aimed to consume more calories than he burned each day. This is known as a caloric surplus, and is a crucial factor in gaining weight.


After 10 months of consistent effort, the Reddit user managed to gain 25 lbs. He mentioned that he was still not done with his weight journey, but he was happy with his progress so far. He shared his before-and-after photos which showed significant improvements in his physique.


From this Reddit user's weight journey, we can learn some essential tips that may help others who are also trying to gain weight. Consistency is key, and hitting the gym regularly is crucial in building muscle mass. Along with that, consuming more calories than one burns is necessary to provide the body with enough energy to build muscle. Additionally, tracking progress and taking before-and-after photos can be motivational and help individuals stay on track.


In conclusion, gaining weight requires effort and patience, but it is possible with consistent effort. Following the tips mentioned above, along with a well-planned workout routine and diet, can help in achieving one's fitness goals. It is essential to note that everyone's journey is different, and what works for one person may not work for another. However, trying out different methods and finding what works best for one's unique body is crucial in achieving success.

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.