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A 21 Year Old Woman Loses 32Lbs in 4 Months: a Journey of Dedication and Good Habits

Follow a young woman's inspiring weight loss journey as she sheds 32lbs in 4 months through dedication and healthy habits.

Article by Madeleine Smith

A progress pic of a 5'6" woman showing a weight reduction from 200 pounds to 168 pounds. A total loss of 32 pounds.
A progress pic of a 5'6" woman showing a weight reduction from 200 pounds to 168 pounds. A total loss of 32 pounds.
F/21/5'6" [200 > 168 = 32lbs] (4 months) I'm almost halfway there!
Originally posted on /r/progresspics


Losing weight can be challenging, especially when you're just starting out, but it is possible when you stay dedicated, make small changes in your habits, and stick to a specific plan. One 21-year-old woman has made significant progress in her weight loss journey. In just four months, she's lost 32lbs, and she's only halfway to her goal. Her inspiring progress has garnered attention on reddit, where she's shared updates and received support throughout her journey.

The Beginning of the Journey

This young woman (username deleted) started her weight loss journey when she weighed 200lbs. She realized that she was unhappy with her current weight and how it was impacting her life. So, she decided to make a plan, set achievable goals, and make small changes to her lifestyle. She started tracking her calories, joined a gym, and began exercising regularly. She also began prioritizing foods that were wholesome, nutrient-dense, and filling. These small but consistent changes helped her to shed 32lbs in just four months, proving that small changes can make a big difference.

The Importance of Discipline and Consistency

Discipline and consistency play a vital role in achieving any goal, especially weight loss. This woman's progress demonstrates the importance of sticking to a specific plan, not giving up, and being patient. She also emphasized the significance of having a support system throughout her journey. Whether it was her friends, family, or the online community, she received a lot of support, encouragement, and motivation to keep going. And her progress inspired others to take action and start their own health journey.

The Road Ahead

This woman's inspiring progress shows that making small, consistent changes to your lifestyle can have a significant impact on weight loss. Although she's not done yet, she's on the right track, and she's determined to achieve her goals. This journey has taught her to be more mindful of her habits, prioritize self-care, and appreciate the power of discipline and consistency. And it's a lesson that everyone can benefit from: small changes can lead to big results, especially when done with dedication and discipline.


Achieving your weight loss goals is possible with dedication, discipline, and consistency. And this 21-year-old woman's journey is proof that small but consistent changes to your lifestyle can have significant results. Whether it's tracking your calories, prioritizing nutrient-dense foods, or exercising regularly, every small change can make a big difference. So, take inspiration from her journey and start your own today. You'll be amazed at what you can achieve with commitment, patience, and the right mindset.

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.