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A Weight Loss Journey: 30Lbs in 2016, 17Lbs in 2021

Follow a Reddit user's weight loss journey from 190lbs to 160lbs in 2016 and their current progress of losing 17lbs. Discover their approach to weight loss and their commitment to health.

Article by Madeleine Smith

A picture of a 5'8" male showing a weight loss from 190 pounds to 160 pounds. A net loss of 30 pounds.
M/43/5’8” [190lbs > 160lbs = 30lbs]. This was in 2016, I’m currently doing the whole process again. Currently 17lbs down.
Originally posted on /r/progresspics


Weight loss is a challenging journey that requires commitment and discipline. However, it is also an achievable goal that can significantly improve one's health, well-being, and confidence. In this article, we will be following the journey of a Reddit user, panther-hunter, who lost 30lbs in 2016 and is currently on track to lose 17lbs.

Starting Point

In 2016, panther-hunter started their weight loss journey at 190lbs. Through a combination of a healthy diet and exercise, they were able to shed 30lbs, reaching their goal weight of 160lbs. However, like many people, they found it challenging to maintain their weight loss and eventually regained some of the weight.

A Fresh Start

Despite the setback, panther-hunter did not give up on their health goals. They are currently on the journey to lose weight once again, and have already lost 17lbs. To achieve their weight loss goals, they have adopted a more sustainable approach by making small changes to their diet and exercise habits. They also emphasize the importance of consistency and patience in the weight loss journey.

Lessons Learned

Panther-hunter's weight loss journey highlights some valuable lessons for those on a similar path. Firstly, it is essential to set realistic goals and have a plan in place to achieve them. Small changes to one's lifestyle can have a significant impact over time. Secondly, consistency and patience are key to achieving long-term success. Finally, it is crucial to approach weight loss as a journey rather than a destination, and to maintain healthy habits even after reaching one's goals.

Final Thoughts

Panther-hunter's weight loss journey serves as a source of inspiration and motivation for others who are on the same path. Their dedication to their health and well-being is commendable, and their approach to sustainable weight loss is admirable. If you are on a similar journey, we encourage you to take inspiration from their journey and try things out for yourself. Remember that your health and happiness are worth the effort, and that every small step counts towards achieving your goals.

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.