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M/25/5'9" Transforms From 185Lbs to 166Lbs in 3 Months

Read about one man's weight loss journey from 185lbs to 166lbs in just three months, with the help of a consistent workout routine and a well-managed diet.

Article by Madeleine Smith

A before and after photo of a 5'9" male showing a weight reduction from 185 pounds to 166 pounds. A respectable loss of 19 pounds.
M/25/5'9" 185lbs -> 166lbs (3 months March 2013 - June 2013) My girlfriend made the picture and sent it to me when I complained that I wasn't making progress. Kinda feel like a jackass now...
Originally posted on /r/progresspics


One reddit user, Wolfman87, shared his amazing weight loss transformation journey on the platform where he went from weighing 185 pounds to 166 pounds, losing 19 pounds in three months. On his post, he shares about his challenges and progress, along with his daily diet, exercise routine, and other health habits.

The Workout Routine

Wolfman87 shared that he followed a consistent workout routine and followed the Madcow 5x5 with added hypertrophy work. He worked out 3-4 times a week, following a day system where day 1 was Madcow 5x5, day 2 was focused on OHP, bicep curls, and other hypertrophy work, day 3 was Madcow 5x5 again, day 4 was for rest, day 5 was Madcow 5x5 again, day 6 followed a circuit of calf raises, leg extensions, hamstring curls, and rack pulls, and day 7 was for rest.

The Diet

Along with his exercise routine, Wolfman87 also monitored his diet by counting calories and macros. He allowed himself to indulge in one cheat meal every week or two but made sure to keep it within reasonable limits. He said that his diet was everything, and a good nutritional program was vital to achieving his fitness goals.

The Journey

Wolfman87 shared that he felt a sense of frustration initially when he felt he was not making progress. It was only when he compared his before and after pictures sent by his girlfriend that he realized the transformation he had gone through. He emphasized the importance of not relying on the number on the scale but keeping track of progress through pictures and measurements.


Wolfman87's weight loss transformation is an incredible inspiration to anyone who is trying to get fit and healthy. His story shows that a disciplined and mindful exercise routine, along with a well-managed diet, can lead to amazing results in a relatively short time. However, it is essential to remember that everyone's weight loss journey is unique, and what worked for him may not suit others. It is always advisable to consult a professional before embarking on any fitness regimen.

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.