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From 210Lbs to 143.5Lbs: a Successful Weight Loss Journey of Geminigrl6791

Geminigrl6791's weight loss journey involved calorie monitoring and exercise, resulting in a significant weight loss of 66.5lbs over a little over a year. See how Geminigrl6791 successfully lost weight and improved her physical appearance.

Article by Madeleine Smith

A before and after photo of a 5'4" female showing a fat loss from 210 pounds to 143 pounds. A net loss of 67 pounds.
A before and after photo of a 5'4" female showing a fat loss from 210 pounds to 143 pounds. A net loss of 67 pounds.
A before and after photo of a 5'4" female showing a fat loss from 210 pounds to 143 pounds. A net loss of 67 pounds.
A before and after photo of a 5'4" female showing a fat loss from 210 pounds to 143 pounds. A net loss of 67 pounds.
(F/21/5'4'') 210lbs-143-5lbs. Frontal Body and Face. Still trying....
Originally posted on /r/progresspics


Geminigrl6791's remarkable weight loss journey involved losing 66.5lbs over a little over a year, achieving a huge milestone in her personal fitness journey. Geminigrl6791 shared how the journey was not only life-changing, but also showed her what she was capable of and the hard work and dedication required for long-term success. Her story is inspiring, encouraging others to start their own personal fitness journeys.

The Journey

Geminigrl6791 achieved her weight loss by monitoring her calorie intake and incorporating daily exercise into her routine. No fad diets or pills were used, just sheer hard work and conscious eating. Her dedication towards her goals is clear as she continuously kept track of what she ate, ensuring her diet met the required calorie and nutritional needs. Her efforts resulted in a loss of over 66.5lbs, showing that through consistency and dedication, anyone can achieve their desired physical outcome.

Improving Physical Appearance

As Geminigrl6791 started her weight loss journey, not only was her health at risk due to her high BMI, but she also suffered from a low level of self-confidence. Over time, she began to see improvements in how she looked and felt which further motivated her to keep moving forward. With each day, she felt better as a result of her weight loss journey, regaining the lost confidence, which she had always longed for. Her journey to improve her physical appearance not only improved her health but also helped in enhancing her overall mannerism and improved the quality of her life.


Geminigrl6791's inspirational weight loss journey shows us that focusing on calorie intake and daily exercise can work wonders in helping us achieve our health goals. She has given us an insight into how hard work and dedication can lead to success, and how consistency is key to achieving lasting results. Her story is a reminder that the journey towards a healthier lifestyle is tough but with patience and dedication, it can be achieved. We encourage others to take their first steps towards their fitness journey and achieve their desired weight and appearance.


Geminigrl6791's journey was sourced from her Reddit post (username: Geminigrl6791), where she shared her remarkable weight loss journey from 210lbs to 143.5lbs. Her success story inspires and encourages others to embark on their fitness journey towards an improved lifestyle.

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.