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An Inspiring Weight Loss Journey: From 175Lbs to 160Lbs in 3 Months

Read about justlogicguy's weight loss journey on Reddit, as he sheds 15lbs to transition into a clean bulk and chase his lifting goals.

Article by Madeleine Smith

A photo of a 5'10" man showing a weight cut from 175 pounds to 160 pounds. A net loss of 15 pounds.
M/27/5'10" [175lbs > 160lbs = 15lbs] (about 3 months). End of the cut, now transitioning into clean bulk slowly to chase lifting goals in my big three lifts. Wish me luck!
Originally posted on /r/progresspics


Reddit user justlogicguy has shared his inspiring weight loss journey, which saw him transition from 175lbs to 160lbs in just three months. Now, he has set his sights on chasing his lifting goals in the 'big three lifts' with a clean bulk.

The Journey

The Reddit post, which has received 69 upvotes and several encouraging comments, showcases the progress justlogicguy has made in his fitness journey. Alongside a before and after picture, the post shows the difference in his triceps and the hard work he has put in.

Transition to Clean Bulk

Now transitioning into a clean bulk, justlogicguy shows the importance of incorporating a balanced diet and consistent exercise regime. He states that he is not only looking to gain strength and size but also remain healthy throughout the process.


justlogicguy's dedication to his fitness journey is an inspiration to many. His post has received several positive comments, including 'great job' and 'good luck'. His journey showcases the importance of consistency, hard work, and dedication when it comes to achieving fitness goals.


Justlogicguy's journey serves as a reminder that anyone can achieve their fitness goals with the right mindset and approach. Whether it's weight loss or muscle gain, consistency, discipline, and hard work are key. Try things out for yourself and see what works best for you on your fitness journey.

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.