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5 Year Weight Journey: Overcoming Body Dysmorphia or Slower Metabolism?

This M/25/6'1'' gained 15lbs in 60 months, but his psyche has never been better and he's not constantly hungry. Could it be a slower metabolism or overcoming body dysmorphia? Discover for yourself.

Article by Madeleine Smith

A photo of a 6'1" man showing a weight bulk from 170 pounds to 185 pounds. A net gain of 15 pounds.
M/25/6’1” [170lbs < 185lbs = 15lbs] (60 months) In 5 years I’ve achieved a slower metabolism! Or perhaps I overcame body dysmorphia. Today my psyche has never been better and I’m not constantly hungry!
Originally posted on /r/progresspics


A Reddit user, known as sparkpress, shared his 5-year weight journey on the platform. He gained 15lbs in that period, which made him wonder if he had a slower metabolism or if he had overcome body dysmorphia. This article will delve into the topic, analyzing the scientific concepts behind these possibilities.

Metabolism and weight gain

The idea that an individual's metabolism can slow down with age and cause weight gain is not new. As we age, our body composition changes, leading to a decrease in muscle mass and an increase in fat mass. Since muscle is more metabolically active than fat, less muscle mass means less calorie burning. Moreover, hormonal shifts can affect metabolism, such as a decrease in testosterone in men.

Body dysmorphia and weight perception

Body dysmorphia is a mental health condition where an individual perceives their body size or shape inaccurately. They may see themselves as overweight or obese, no matter how much weight they lose or gain. This distorted perception can lead to unhealthy behaviors such as restrictive dieting or excessive exercise. Gaining weight may be challenging for those with body dysmorphia, as it can trigger anxiety and depression.


In sparkpress's case, it's hard to determine if he had a slower metabolism or overcame body dysmorphia without knowing more about his lifestyle and mental health. However, what's essential is that he is happy with his current weight and that his psyche has never been better. Everyone's weight journey is different, and it's crucial to listen to your body and mind when setting goals. Whether it's gaining, losing, or maintaining weight, it's essential to do it in a healthy way that works for you.

Try things out for yourself

Like sparkpress, you too can embark on a weight journey that's right for you. Try different methods of gaining or losing weight, such as strength training or mindful eating, and see how your body and mind respond. Consult a healthcare professional or a registered dietitian for a personalized plan that meets your needs and goals. Remember, weight is just a number, and what matters most is your overall well-being.

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.