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How One Reddit User Lost 33 Pounds in 5 Months: a Weight Journey Story

A Reddit user shares her weight journey and how she lost 33 pounds in 5 months without a strict workout routine

Article by Madeleine Smith

A progress pic of a 5'2" woman showing a fat loss from 150 pounds to 117 pounds. A respectable loss of 33 pounds.
F/20/5'2" [150 lbs > 117 lbs = 33 lbs] (5 months) fall of 2020 vs. now :)
Originally posted on /r/progresspics


Reddit user kiragothacked shares her weight journey and reveals how she lost 33 pounds in just 5 months without a strict workout routine.

Calorie Counting

Kiragothacked reveals that she ate around 1350 kcals in the beginning of her weight loss journey. She also mentions that people with similar stats could go higher and lose weight slower.

Lack of Workouts

Kiragothacked mentioned that she didn't really work out during her weight loss journey. However, she did recommend pilates and Lottie Murphy's home workouts on YouTube for those looking to add exercise to their routine.

The Impact of Weight Loss

Kiragothacked's weight loss journey resulted in an incredible difference in just 5 months. She reveals that it took a while for her to feel at home in her new body but is now an XS in most clothes. She also comments on how it now feels amazing to go fitting room without any fear.


Kiragothacked's story is inspiring for those looking for weight loss success stories. While her method may not work for everyone, it is always recommended to try things out for themselves and see what works best for them.

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.