How Taylorboston Lost 125 Pounds in Her Weight Journey

Read about Taylorboston's successful journey to lose 125 pounds and her progress towards her goal.

Article by Madeleine Smith

Published 2 years ago

Originally posted on /r/progresspics

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🔥 Weight Loss Progress

Starting Weight

Current Weight

BMI Change

45.1 → 25.4 19.7 point change

Taylorboston, a female Reddit user, has successfully lost 125 pounds from her initial weight of 287 pounds. This post shares her progress towards her current goal of losing 12 more pounds.

Taylorboston's Weight Loss Journey

Taylorboston started her weight loss journey by first tracking her food intake and counting calories. She also started exercising, initially with just walking, but gradually moved towards more intense workouts. She attributes her success to not giving up, having patience, and finding activities she enjoys. She also reached out for support from her friends and family, who motivated her to continue her progress.

Tips from Taylorboston

Taylorboston recommends that those who are beginning their weight loss journey should start by tracking their food intake to have a better understanding of what they consume. She also advises against giving up, especially during times when progress seems slow. Furthermore, she suggests finding an activity or exercise that one enjoys, as it can make the entire process more enjoyable and sustainable.

The Importance of Mindset

Taylorboston also emphasizes the importance of having a positive mindset. Instead of focusing on the scale or short term results, she recommends focusing on the overall lifestyle change and progress made, regardless of how small it may seem. The journey towards weight loss is not easy, but a positive mindset can make all the difference.

Taylorboston's weight loss journey is a testament to the effectiveness of a sustained and committed lifestyle change. Her story shows that weight loss is achievable through dedication, patience, a supportive community, and a positive mindset. Those who are beginning their own weight loss journey can look to her experience and tips for inspiration and motivation.

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