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F/23/5'8'' Weight Loss Journey: Overcoming Self Control Challenges

Read about a F/23/5'8'' Reddit user's 5lb weight loss journey in 6 weeks and how self-control was a challenge.

Article by Madeleine Smith

A photo of a 5'8" woman showing a weight cut from 154 pounds to 149 pounds. A net loss of 5 pounds.
F/23/5’8” [154 > 149 = 5lbs] 6 weeks. self control is hard
Originally posted on /r/progresspics


Losing weight can be a challenging process, requiring discipline and self-control. For one Reddit user, deep_underground, the journey was no different.

Week 1-2: Starting the Venture

Deep_underground began her journey at a weight of 154lbs, and made the decision to start losing weight. In the first two weeks, she focused on eating a balanced diet, reducing portion sizes and increasing healthy food intake.

Week 3-4: Pushing Through the Challenges

As the journey progressed, deep_underground faced challenges in controlling her cravings for unhealthy foods. She was determined, however, and made a conscious effort to maintain her eating habits and exercise routine. By week four, she had lost 3lbs and reaffirmed her commitment to the process.

Week 5-6: Overcoming the Hurdles

The final two weeks of the journey proved the most difficult. Deep_underground struggled to deny her cravings and maintain her mental fortitude. However, with the support of her friends and family, she was able to resist temptation and lost 2 more pounds.

Conclusion: Encouraging Persistence and Resilience

Deep_underground's journey reminds us of the importance of maintaining self-control and discipline in weight loss. Despite the challenges she faced, she persisted and achieved her goal. This journey serves as an inspiration for others looking to lose weight - by committing, staying persistent and overcoming the challenges, anything is possible.

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.