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Moms Can Lose Weight Too! Inspiring Reddit User Shed 18 Lbs with Keto, If, and Resistance Training!

Read about kathleenistoocute's 18 lbs weight loss journey with keto, IF, and resistance training from March 2021 to October 2021. Discover her mindset that helped her in achieving a healthy lifestyle.

Article by Madeleine Smith

A picture of a 5'2" female showing a weight loss from 138 pounds to 118 pounds. A net loss of 20 pounds.
F/34/5’2” [138>118] 18 lbs lost from March 2021 to October 2021 with keto, IF , and resistance training. Changed my mindset to long term health goals and it helped me stay on track and not sweat the small stuff. I’m a mom of 2 little ones and I have the most energy I’ve had in a while, feels great.
Originally posted on /r/progresspics


Kathleenistoocute, a 34-year-old mom of two little ones, shared her inspiring weight loss journey on Reddit. She lost 18 lbs from March 2021 to October 2021 with keto, IF, and resistance training. Her newfound energy and her positive mindset provided her with the motivation to stick to her healthy lifestyle.

Keto and IF

Kathleenistoocute followed the keto and IF diet to reduce her calorie intake and keep her body in a state of ketosis. She would consume fewer carbohydrates, more protein, and healthy fats, which would keep her full for longer periods. Moreover, she would not eat for 16 hours and have an eight-hour window to consume her daily calorie recommendations. This meant she would have two meals that were packed with nutritious food and would help her maintain her energy levels.

Resistance Training

Kathleenistoocute incorporated resistance training into her routine to enhance her physical strength and endurance. She would lift weights and perform bodyweight exercises, squats, deadlifts, and lunges, amongst others. The resistance training helped her burn extra calories, tone her body, and increase bone density.

Changed Mindset

Kathleenistoocute changed her mindset and approached her weight loss journey as a long-term health goal. In the past, she would set goals with deadlines, which lead to yo-yoing results. However, she started to think about her lifestyle and how her healthy food choices and exercise routine would benefit her in the long run. Her positive mindset helped her stay on track and not get bogged down by the small stuff.


The story of Kathleenistoocute's weight loss journey teaches us the importance of staying positive, having a healthy mindset, and setting long-term health goals. It is not just about losing weight, but about living a healthy lifestyle. Start by making small changes, like having a nutritious diet and a regular exercise routine, in your life. You can see significant results if you stay consistent and motivated.

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.