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From Chubby to Fit: M/25’s 20 Pound Weight Loss Journey

This Reddit user documented his 20-pound weight loss journey that made him happier and more active. Learn more about his daily training, diet, and motivation.

Article by Madeleine Smith

A picture of a 5'8" male showing a weight loss from 185 pounds to 165 pounds. A respectable loss of 20 pounds.
M/25/5’8”[185lbs>165lbs =20lbs]left I was lazy, chubby and depressed. Right picture I’m happier and work out everyday now.
Originally posted on /r/progresspics

The Journey of Rello300

Rello300, a Reddit user, has shared his experience of losing 20 pounds, which is a significant accomplishment for him. He started as a lazy, chubby, and depressed person, but through consistent hard work, he turned his life around by becoming happier and more motivated.

Daily Training and Workout

Rello300 transformed his once-inactive lifestyle into an active one with the help of compound exercises, which included bench press, weighted dips, deadlifts, weighted pull-ups, and squats. He rotated his exercises according to how he feels to avoid burnouts, making sure to train every day.

Motivation and Consistency

Training daily gave Rello300 a sense of accomplishment and lifted his mood, enabling him to be consistent in achieving his fitness goals. He believes that consistency is the key to progress, which is why he maintains his daily training. Furthermore, losing weight and becoming happier and more active boosted his motivation to maintain his healthy lifestyle.

Diet and Nutrition

Although Rello300 did not mention any specific diet that he followed, he attributes his weight loss to his overall healthy eating habits. He has managed to control his food intake, limiting his consumption of unhealthy food, and incorporating healthy alternatives, making sure to have a balanced meal.


Rello300's journey is an excellent motivation for people who want to embark on a weight loss journey. It highlights the importance of consistency, consistency, and motivation in achieving fitness goals. Everyone's journey is unique, and one size does not fit all in terms of fitness; therefore, it is essential to try things out for oneself and find what work bests with their body and lifestyle.

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.