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How Reddit User Bweb778 Lost 14Lbs on Her Weight Loss Journey

Discover how Reddit user bweb778 shed 14lbs and improved her overall appearance through CiCO and fasting techniques. Read her inspiring story online today!

Article by Madeleine Smith

A photo of a 5'5" woman showing a weight cut from 160 pounds to 146 pounds. A net loss of 14 pounds.
F/32/5'5" [160 > 146 = 14lbs] ... It's not much but I lost my cheeks! :)
Originally posted on /r/progresspics


For the average person, losing weight is never an easy feat. There are countless obstacles and challenges to overcome, and it often takes a great deal of determination and resilience to achieve a successful weight loss journey. For Reddit user bweb778, losing weight has been a life-changing experience. With a starting weight of 160lbs and her height at 5’5”, she was determined to shed unwanted pounds and improve her overall appearance. After 6 months of hard work, bweb778 successfully lost 14lbs and was able to fit into her old clothes again.

CiCo and Fasting Techniques

To achieve her weight loss goal, bweb778 focused on the CiCO (Calories in, Calories out) system, which involves tracking one's calorie intake and output to maintain a calorie deficit. She also incorporated fasting into her routine. Fasting is a temporary and voluntary abstention from food, which helps reduce the number of calories ingested.


Bweb778's results after losing 14lbs were astounding. Her face slimmed down, and she has improved jawline definition. She was more comfortable in her body and could wear her old clothes with ease. People in the Reddit comments section praised her for her journey’s success and how great she looks now. Bweb778 shared that this is the first time she achieved a sustainable weight loss without killing herself with cardio workouts, which were not sustainable for her.

Inspiring story

Bweb778's weight loss journey proves that achieving success is possible with determination and focus. Her story serves as an inspiration to many who are going through similar journeys. It shows the benefits of healthy eating habits and the importance of tracking your calories. Additionally, her story highlights that mixing something such as fasting can help one shed weight, making the weight loss journey more sustainable and, ultimately, more successful.


In conclusion, bweb778's successful weight loss journey is an inspiration to many looking to lose weight, and her results show the effectiveness of CiCO and fasting techniques. If you too are struggling with weight loss, consider trying a similar approach and following this good example. While weight loss may not be easy, with the right mindset, motivation, and discipline, success is achievable.

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.