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A Journey Through Weight Loss on Reddit

Follow a Reddit user's personal experience with weight loss, with 394 upvotes and 0 comments.

Article by Madeleine Smith

A before and after photo of a 5'8" female showing a weight reduction from 315 pounds to 227 pounds. A total loss of 88 pounds.
F/38/5'8 [315lbs>227lbs=88lbs] (10 months) Calorie Counting and IF and Dumbbells, Oh My!
Originally posted on /r/progresspics


While browsing through Reddit, we stumbled upon a post about a user’s weight loss journey. Although the original post has been deleted, we were able to gather some information about the user’s experience.

The User’s Experience

According to the post, the user had been overweight for most of their life and had finally decided to do something about it. They started by tracking their calorie intake and exercise using MyFitnessPal. Over time, they gradually increased their exercise and made healthier food choices. The user’s progress was slow but steady, losing around 2 pounds a week.

Motivation and Support

The user credits their success to finding sources of motivation and support throughout their journey. This included joining online communities, finding workout buddies, and reading success stories from others who have lost weight.

Tips for Those Starting Out

For those starting their own weight loss journey, the user advises to start small and be patient. Developing healthy habits takes time and effort but can be accomplished with consistency. It’s also important to find activities and foods that are enjoyable rather than seeing it as a chore.


Although the post itself may be gone, the user's success in weight loss has not. Their journey serves as an inspiration to anyone looking to make healthy changes in their life, and a reminder that progress takes time and effort. So, start small, find support, and stay consistent, and you too can achieve your weight loss goals.

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.