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From 187 to 127: a Journey to Weight Loss Success

A Reddit user shares insights on her weight loss journey spanning four years, combining intermittent fasting and calorie counting.

Article by Madeleine Smith

A photo of a 5'4" woman showing a weight cut from 187 pounds to 127 pounds. A net loss of 60 pounds.
F/28/5’4” [187 > 127=60 lbs] took years of ups and downs but I finally hit my goal weight!
Originally posted on /r/progresspics


Losing weight is a difficult process that involves committing to a healthier lifestyle. One Reddit user, imaginaryxenemy, showed that it can take time and perseverance to reach their ideal weight.

The Journey to Success

Imaginaryxenemy initially weighed 187 pounds and spent four years working toward their goal. They had moments of success but also times where they gained back any pounds that they lost. The user utilized intermittent fasting and wore a Fitbit to track progress. They adopted the 20:4 method, consuming a healthy meal at home and keeping their daily calories 300-400 under what they burned.

Consistent Effort Over Time

The path to slimming down is a constant struggle but daily incremental changes will compound over time. For this reason, imaginaryxenemy emphasizes consistently working towards weight loss goals. This engaging community of like-minded health enthusiasts is a resource that enabled them to keep accountable during this journey.

Overall Implications

Imaginaryxenemy shows the importance of a healthy and balanced lifestyle. Keeping one’s mental health with any weight-loss progress is key, even if they take longer than expected. Regardless, anyone pursuing weight loss should include a healthy combination of diet and exercise, along with some rest and recovery. Every individual's journey is different but always remember, progress is progress no matter how small!


Many find the beginning of the weight-loss journey thrilling, but many people lose steam easily. One of the keys to sticking with it is perseverance and a commitment to the long run. It is all right to stumble along the way as the journey is different for everyone, but don't forget to rejoice in the small victories that lead to long-lasting results!

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.