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One User's Inspiring Weight Loss Journey: a Reddit Success Story

Read about a user's weight loss journey on Reddit. Their inspiring story recounts how they shed the pounds thanks to determination and healthy choices.

Article by Madeleine Smith

A progress pic of a 6'0" man showing a fat loss from 210 pounds to 170 pounds. A total loss of 40 pounds.


Losing weight is a journey that many of us embark upon at some point in our lives. For Reddit user [deleted], this journey was a public one, documented on the popular online forum through a series of posts about their weight loss progress.

The Start of the Journey

In their first post, [deleted] shared that they were 26 years old and weighed 235 pounds. They were ready to make a change and had set a goal of reaching 200 pounds within six months. The post received a lot of support from the Reddit community, with users leaving encouraging comments and offering advice.

Making Progress

Over the next few months, [deleted] shared regular updates about their progress. They started tracking their calories and began incorporating more fruits and vegetables into their diet. They also started going to the gym and gradually increased their exercise routine.

Seeing Results

By the four-month mark, [deleted] had already lost 30 pounds and was well on their way to reaching their goal. In their posts, they talked about feeling more confident, having more energy, and being capable of doing things they never thought possible.

Continuing the Journey

One year later, [deleted] posted a final update. They had reached their initial goal of 200 pounds and were continuing to live a healthy lifestyle. The post received over 1,000 upvotes and numerous comments congratulating [deleted] on their success.

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.