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A Personal Weight Loss Journey: How One Reddit User Shed 25 Pounds with Calorie Counting and Regular Workouts

Read about how one user's strict approach to calorie counting and regular exercise helped them lose 25 pounds over a year and a half.

Article by Madeleine Smith

A picture of a 5'2" female showing a weight loss from 150 pounds to 125 pounds. A total loss of 25 pounds.
F/23/5'2" [150lbs > 125lbs = 25lbs] A year and a half gap between the pics! Face gains are so cool to see. These are the results of working out regularly and calorie counting (was very strict in the beginning but now I have a pretty good idea of how much I need to eat)
Originally posted on /r/progresspics


Losing weight is a challenging journey, and it's inspiring to see the efforts of someone who achieved their weight loss goals. A Reddit user, anabananaa06, recently shared their pictures on the site that documented their weight loss journey. In this article, we'll discuss how anabananaa06 shed 25 pounds through calorie counting and regular workouts.

Counting Calories and Working Out

The journey wasn't easy for anabananaa06, as they had to track their calories closely and work out regularly to achieve their weight loss goals. Calorie counting was a strict process for them in the beginning, but it helped them have a good idea of how much to eat consistently.

When it came to exercise, they started working out regularly, though they didn't see much progress at first. However, they found that it only worked when they changed their diet and started seeing results as they stuck to a caloric deficit. They used MyFitnessPal to track their progress and conducted some research on TDEE calculators to ensure that they were on a proper caloric deficit.

Low-Carb Diet and Mindset

During the pandemic, anabananaa06 experimented with the keto diet and reduced their carb intake as another option. Additionally, they found that using smaller plates for food helped them with their portion control. Mindset is also a key factor in any weight loss journey, and anabananaa06 focused on the smallest efforts counting and avoided an all-or-nothing outlook on their goals.

Encouragement for Those Starting their Weight Loss Journey

The journey towards weight loss is different for everyone, but anabananaa06's experience serves as a source of inspiration to show that success is achievable with patience and discipline. Counting calories and changing one's diet is an effective way to lose weight, and anyone can try it for themselves using apps like MyFitnessPal. Exercise is also crucial to any weight loss journey, and consistency is essential to showing progress over time.


Losing weight is challenging, and everyone's journey is different. However, seeing the success stories of others can be motivating for people to pursue their own weight loss targets. For anabananaa06, a combination of exercise and calorie counting was the answer for their successful weight loss journey. Whether it's counting calories or trying out new exercise routines, anyone can achieve their weight loss goals with discipline and effort.

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.