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Clean Eating and Workout Routine Help Reddit User Shed 82 Pounds in 9 Months

A Reddit user shares his weight loss journey, revealing how he successfully lost 82 pounds in 9 months with a focus on clean eating and exercising.

Article by Madeleine Smith

A photo of a 6'1" man showing a weight cut from 255 pounds to 173 pounds. A net loss of 82 pounds.
M/29/6’1” [255>173=82lbs] (9 months) focused on cleaning up my diet, finally starting to work out.
Originally posted on /r/progresspics

Introduction: Reddit User Shares Weight Loss Journey

A Reddit user, known as Dwight-fromtheoffice, recently shared his amazing weight loss story on the platform. According to his post, he had successfully shed 82 pounds in just 9 months. The key behind his success? Focusing on clean eating and exercising.

Clean Eating: The Game Changer

For Dwight-fromtheoffice, the biggest change he made was in regards to his diet. He decided to cut sugar out of his diet entirely and focused on consuming clean, healthy foods. This included lots of vegetables, lean proteins, and healthy fats. He also practiced a 22:2 fasting split, which helped him to stay on track with his eating habits.

Exercising: Starting Small and Building Up

In the beginning, Dwight-fromtheoffice didn't have a workout routine. He simply cycled to work and back, which took about 6 minutes each way. But as he lost weight and started feeling better, he decided it was time to start hitting the gym. He began with just 4 days a week and gradually built up to a full workout routine.

Results: Reaping the Benefits of His Hard Work

After 9 months of consistent clean eating and exercise, Dwight-fromtheoffice was able to shed an incredible 82 pounds. His progress motivated him to keep going, and he now feels better than ever. His journey is a testament to the power of making small, sustainable changes over time.

Conclusion: Encouraging Others to Try It Out

Dwight-fromtheoffice's journey is a great example of how persistence and dedication can help you achieve your weight loss goals. While everyone's journey is different, it's clear that a focus on clean eating and exercise can make a huge difference. If you're looking to improve your own health and wellness, consider taking inspiration from Dwight's story and trying things out for yourself.

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.