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Amazing Female Weight Loss Journey: 207Lbs to Fit in Less Than a Year

This Reddit user's weight loss journey from 207lbs to a fit body is an inspiring story for all. Read on to learn about her experience and what she did to achieve her goal.

Article by Madeleine Smith

A photo of a 5'5" woman showing a snapshot of 207 pounds at a height of 5'5
A photo of a 5'5" woman showing a snapshot of 207 pounds at a height of 5'5
A photo of a 5'5" woman showing a snapshot of 207 pounds at a height of 5'5
A photo of a 5'5" woman showing a snapshot of 207 pounds at a height of 5'5
Introduction: Fat Loss/Female/53/5’5”/207lbs
Originally posted on /r/BTFC


In a Reddit post titled 'Introduction: Fat Loss/Female/53/5’5”/207lbs', user 2014_lifechange shared their weight loss journey that resulted in losing 60lbs in less than a year.

Her Decision to Lose Weight

At 53 years of age, the user decided that enough was enough and it was time to lose weight. They dedicated themselves to a fitness routine and healthy diet to achieve their goal.

Fitness Routine

For their fitness routine, the user did a combination of cardio and weight lifting exercises. This helped them burn calories while also building muscle. They went to the gym 5-6 times a week and were consistent with their routine.

Diet Changes

The user made significant changes to their diet, which played a crucial role in their weight loss journey. They cut out processed and sugary foods, and started eating more protein, vegetables, and healthy fats. They also reduced their portion sizes and started tracking their calorie intake.

Results and Advice

After less than a year of dedication to their fitness routine and healthy eating, the user lost 60lbs and is now at a healthy weight. 2014_lifechange advises others to start with small changes and be consistent. They also stress the importance of tracking progress and never giving up.

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.