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A Woman's Journey to Weight Loss: From 150.2 Lbs to Cutting

Follow a Reddit user's weight loss journey as she documents it online. Learn about her approach and see her progress in real-time.

Article by Madeleine Smith

A progress pic of a 5'6" woman showing a snapshot of 150 pounds at a height of 5'6
A progress pic of a 5'6" woman showing a snapshot of 150 pounds at a height of 5'6
A progress pic of a 5'6" woman showing a snapshot of 150 pounds at a height of 5'6
A progress pic of a 5'6" woman showing a snapshot of 150 pounds at a height of 5'6
Introduction: 37 / Female / 5'6" / 150.2 lb / Cutting
Originally posted on /r/BTFC

Meet the Reddit User: Gonnabehotsoon

Gonnabehotsoon is a 37-year-old woman who stands at 5'6” and weighed around 150.2 lbs when she first introduced herself to the Reddit community. Her goal was to lose weight and cut down her body fat percentage.

Her Approach to Weight Loss

Gonnabehotsoon utilized a combination of cardio and weight training to achieve her goals. She also tracked her calorie intake to ensure that she was in a caloric deficit every day. The community offered her tips and advice on how to perfect her form and optimize her workouts. They also encouraged her to stay consistent and patient.

Tracking Her Progress

As time went on, Gonnabehotsoon updated the community on her progress. She shared her Body Mass Index (BMI) and body fat percentage readings that reduced each week. Most importantly, she documented her increasing strength and endurance when working out. Her dedication and discipline were gradually paying off, and she was seeing the results.

The Power of Supportive Communities

Gonnabehotsoon's experience is a classic example of how supportive online communities can be beneficial in achieving one's goals. The Reddit community's tips and advice, along with their constant support, helped her stay motivated and committed to her weight loss journey.

A Final Thought: Try it Out for Yourself

Gonnabehotsoon's journey shows that losing weight and improving your physical fitness is attainable with a few lifestyle changes and support from like-minded individuals. So why not try it out for yourself? Find fitness and health communities that align with your goals, establish a plan, and stay committed to the process. You'll undoubtedly see progress in due time.

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.