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Transforming Weight Journey of a Reddit User: From January to March

Follow the weight journey of a 31-year-old male Reddit user, standing 6'3" and weighing 255 lbs, as he shares his highs and lows from January to March.

Article by Madeleine Smith

A before and after photo of a 6'3" male showing a snapshot of 255 pounds at a height of 6'3
A before and after photo of a 6'3" male showing a snapshot of 255 pounds at a height of 6'3
A before and after photo of a 6'3" male showing a snapshot of 255 pounds at a height of 6'3
A before and after photo of a 6'3" male showing a snapshot of 255 pounds at a height of 6'3
Intro: 31/M/6'3"/255 lbs (Jan 1 - Mar 25)
Originally posted on /r/BTFC

Starting Point: January 1st

On January 1st, Reddit user xenmaster weighed in at 255 lbs. He decided to start documenting his weight loss journey on the platform, sharing his exact weight and progress updates. At first, he struggled to find the motivation to make significant changes.

Making Progress: Early February

By early February, xenmaster had lost around 5 lbs. He attributed this progress to small changes such as cutting out soda and processed snacks. Xenmaster found that sharing his journey on Reddit helped him stay accountable and motivated to make healthier choices.

Plateaus and Setbacks: Late February to Early March

Despite his early success, xenmaster hit a plateau in late February and struggled to lose any additional weight for a few weeks. He also admits to not being as disciplined with his eating habits during this time, leading to some setbacks in his progress.

Restarting and Reaching Goals: Late March

However, by late March, xenmaster was back on track and had lost a total of 10 lbs since the start of the year. He shared that the support and encouragement from the Reddit community played a significant role in his ability to meet his goals. He also emphasized the importance of consistency and patience during weight loss journeys.


Xenmaster's weight loss journey emphasizes the importance of making small, sustainable changes and consistently tracking progress. Additionally, he highlights the importance of finding a support system, whether it's through an online community or in-person. If you're struggling to make progress in your own weight loss journey, consider taking a page out of xenmaster's book and focus on making small, positive changes.

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.