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5 Month Weight Journey: M/24/5'10" Goes From 210Lbs to 165Lbs with Calorie Counting and Exercise

Follow a Reddit user's weight loss journey through calorie counting and exercise that led to remarkable results in just 5 months.

Article by Madeleine Smith

A before and after photo of a 5'10" male showing a fat loss from 210 pounds to 165 pounds. A net loss of 45 pounds.
A before and after photo of a 5'10" male showing a fat loss from 210 pounds to 165 pounds. A net loss of 45 pounds.
A before and after photo of a 5'10" male showing a fat loss from 210 pounds to 165 pounds. A net loss of 45 pounds.
A before and after photo of a 5'10" male showing a fat loss from 210 pounds to 165 pounds. A net loss of 45 pounds.
M/24/5'10" [210lbs > 165lbs = 45lbs] (5 months) Calorie counting and working out lead to (I think) some pretty big changes. (Reposted due to wrong title format)
Originally posted on /r/progresspics


Losing weight can be a long and difficult journey but seeing actual progress can be a great motivator. Reddit user [deleted] documented his successful 5-month transformation journey on the platform. Through a combination of calorie counting and exercise routine, he was able to achieve impressive results that could inspire others aiming to shed some pounds.

Starting Point: 210lbs

The Reddit user started his journey at a weight of 210 lbs with the goal of improving his overall health and fitness goals. The first step he took was to determine his daily caloric needs and track all of his meals in a food journal. By doing this, he was able to stay within his caloric deficit while still eating healthy foods that would help him reach his goal faster.

Exercise and Working Out

Along with calorie counting, the Reddit user also made sure to incorporate regular exercise into his routine. He started with simple bodyweight exercises like push-ups and planks but eventually moved on to lifting weights at the gym. He also increased his cardio by running or biking for 30 minutes every day.

Results: 45lbs of Weight Loss

After 5 months of maintaining his weight loss regimen, the Reddit user lost an impressive 45lbs, shrinking down from 210lbs to 165lbs. He also experienced noticeable changes in his physical appearance like his body shape, muscle definition, and overall confidence. His weight loss journey serves as a great example of how determination, discipline, and healthy habits can lead to a rewarding transformation.


Losing weight may not be easy, but it's definitely doable. Whether it's through calorie counting, exercise, or a combination of the two, every step counts. This Reddit user's journey shows that progress can be made in a relatively short amount of time if the right approach is taken. So if you're looking to lose weight, take inspiration from this story and try things out for yourself. With hard work and commitment, you too can achieve your fitness goals.

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.