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One Woman's 20 Pound Weight Loss Journey: a Reddit Progress Update

Follow one woman's journey on losing 20 pounds in 5 months through diet and exercise, complete with inch and body fat percentage losses, and supportive comments from fellow Reddit users.

Article by Madeleine Smith

A photo of a 5'6" woman showing a fat loss from 163 pounds to 159 pounds. A respectable loss of 4 pounds.
A photo of a 5'6" woman showing a fat loss from 163 pounds to 159 pounds. A respectable loss of 4 pounds.
A photo of a 5'6" woman showing a fat loss from 163 pounds to 159 pounds. A respectable loss of 4 pounds.
F/26/5'6" [163.5lbs > 159.8 = 3.7lbs] (1 Month) Latest Progress - Not feeling like I've made much progress lately.
Originally posted on /r/progresspics


A 26-year-old Reddit user going by the name ‘somedandelion’ has recently posted an update on her weight loss journey. She has lost 20 pounds in the last 5 months, and uploaded progress photos showcasing inch and body fat percentage losses.

The Progress

In the latest update, the woman revealed that she had lost another 3.7 pounds in a month, taking her current weight down to 159.8 pounds. However, despite her progress, she expressed that she wasn’t feeling very accomplished. Thankfully, other Reddit users offered supportive comments about her progress, even pointing out differences in her photos, including a visible collar bone and toned back.

The Stats

In the post, the woman notes that she has lost a total of 6.5 inches off her waist and 4.7 inches off her hips, while also reducing her body fat percentage by 18.4%. However, she also emphasized that it’s not just about the numbers, and that the process should be enjoyable and sustainable.

The Advice

Among the comments left by other Reddit users are tips to keep going, to not give up, to increase protein intake, and to use heavier weights. One user even suggested that she needs to go beyond weight loss and focus on building muscle instead.

The Takeaway

Going through the updates and comments of her post, it is clear that the weight loss journey is a process that can impact not only the physical, but also the emotional and mental wellbeing of a person. It’s not just about the numbers or the scale, but also about how one feels inside and outside after going through the journey. Every person’s journey may be different, but it’s important to keep going, stay consistent, and enjoy the process.

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.