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Woman Loses 76 Pounds in a Year and Maintains the Weight Loss a Reddit User Story

Read the inspiring story of how this woman lost 76 pounds in a year, and maintained her weight loss, as shared on Reddit. Get motivated to try things out for yourself.

Article by Madeleine Smith

A progress pic of a 5'6" woman showing a weight loss from 264 pounds to 188 pounds. A respectable loss of 76 pounds.
A progress pic of a 5'6" woman showing a weight loss from 264 pounds to 188 pounds. A respectable loss of 76 pounds.
A progress pic of a 5'6" woman showing a weight loss from 264 pounds to 188 pounds. A respectable loss of 76 pounds.
A progress pic of a 5'6" woman showing a weight loss from 264 pounds to 188 pounds. A respectable loss of 76 pounds.
I'm Still Trying too - F/31/5'6 [264 > 188 = 76 lbs 1 Year - Progress Pics
Originally posted on /r/loseit


Losing weight and maintaining the weight loss can be challenging, and many people struggle to achieve their fitness goals. However, for one Reddit user, Plant_Nanny, she was able to lose 76 pounds (34.5 kg) in a year and maintain the weight loss through discipline and determination.

The Journey

Plant_Nanny shared her progress report on Reddit, where she posted a photo of herself before and after her weight loss journey. She received encouraging comments from other Reddit users, who praised her for her consistency and dedication.

Holiday Slump

Plant_Nanny admitted that she experienced a 'holiday slump' during the festive season, which impacted her discipline and commitment. However, with a lot of hard work, she was able to overcome this setback and continue on her journey to achieve her fitness goals.

Culture of Comfort with Obesity

Plant_Nanny's journey also highlighted the cultural acceptance of obesity, where many people expressed concerns about her losing more weight, even though she was still overweight. She admitted that she had to be kind to herself while reminding herself of her weight loss goals and determination to achieve a healthier weight.


Plant_Nanny's inspiring journey shows that with discipline and determination, anyone can achieve their fitness goals. Her story also highlights the importance of being kind to oneself, while remaining focused on the long-term goal of achieving a healthy weight. Whether you are just starting on your fitness journey or have been at it for a while, this story can motivate you to keep going and try things out for yourself.

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.