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F/24/5'5" Weight Loss Journey: How One Woman Shed 15 Pounds by Changing Her Eating Habits

Read about a Reddit user's weight loss journey and learn how she lost 15 pounds by tracking her calories and meal planning.

Article by Madeleine Smith

A picture of a 5'5" female showing a weight loss from 160 pounds to 145 pounds. A total loss of 15 pounds.
F/24/5'5" [160 > 145 = 15 pounds] I was tagged in this picture from a wedding and was horrified by how frumpy I looked. Happy to say the dress fits much better now!
Originally posted on /r/progresspics

The Start of the Journey

A Reddit user known as StarkRavenMad007 shared her remarkable weight loss journey on the platform. In her post, she revealed how she was tagged in an unflattering wedding photo and felt horrified by her frumpy appearance. The image served as a wake-up call for her to change her lifestyle and get in shape.

The Steps Taken

StarkRavenMad007 didn't waste any time and started watching her diet soon after the picture was taken. She began tracking her caloric intake using MyFitnessPal and her Fitbit. By eating around 1200-1300 calories a day and meal planning every week, she was able to keep herself on track and consistently lose weight.


The user was able to successfully lose 15 pounds through her disciplined approach to eating. She mentioned in the comments that she had been working towards this goal for a year, but the bulk of her progress had been made in the months leading up to her post. The post featured a before-and-after photo of her wearing the same dress to show her progress, which was met with an overwhelmingly positive response from other Reddit users.

Workout Regimen

The Redditor hasn't been working out much, though she has gone for a run here and there when the weather allows. She credits most of her weight loss to her new eating habits, which she believes have been key to her success. She has plans to incorporate running into her routine and get back into shape.


The above story serves as an inspiration for anyone looking to make a change towards a healthier, more disciplined lifestyle. By monitoring your caloric intake and meal planning, losing weight can be achievable. Though StarkRavenMad007 didn't work out much, incorporating even a small amount of exercise into your regimen could help you tone up and achieve your personal weight loss goals. Remember, everyone's body is different, and it's important to find what works for you.

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.