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A Journey of Self Love and Better Health: One Woman's Weight Journey

Read about this woman's brave journey towards better health and self-love in spite of societal pressures and struggles with an eating disorder. She shares her progress, including specific changes and gains she's made thus far.

Article by Madeleine Smith

A picture of a 5'3" female showing a weight cut from 225 pounds to 195 pounds. A respectable loss of 30 pounds.
A picture of a 5'3" female showing a weight cut from 225 pounds to 195 pounds. A respectable loss of 30 pounds.
A picture of a 5'3" female showing a weight cut from 225 pounds to 195 pounds. A respectable loss of 30 pounds.
A picture of a 5'3" female showing a weight cut from 225 pounds to 195 pounds. A respectable loss of 30 pounds.
last year I struggled with an eating disorder. this year, I started a new journey of better health and self-love. here's some pictures and wordstuff to remind myself how hard I've worked! F/24/5'3 [~225lbs>195]
Originally posted on /r/loseit


This reddit post by user cammiecane highlights her inspiring weight journey. She shares her progress, growth and specific changes towards better health.

Confronting an Eating Disorder

Cammiecane had a tough year battling an eating disorder while being overweight. This led her down a dark path that could have ended poorly. However, she turned a new leaf by re-evaluating her priorities: rather than focusing on weight loss or societal pressure, she started a journey of better health and self-love.

Specific Changes Toward Better Health

Cammiecane's post shares specific changes she's made towards better health: waist measurements shrank from 37 to 32 inches, hips measurements shrunk from 47 to 43 inches, and she regained strength to squat her full body weight, increase her lateral pulldown from 40 to 70 lbs, and is almost able to do an unassisted pull-up. Cammiecane acknowledges that slow and steady progress towards her goal has proven to be the best approach.

Overcoming Societal Pressure

Cammiecane also confronts the shame and stigma attached to eating disorders, and society's expectations around weight loss. She reminds readers that overweight and obese people can also have eating disorders that society often overlooks. By speaking honestly about her struggles, she offers hope, encouragement and relatable insights to those who also may be experiencing similar weight issues.

Better Health Despite Struggle

Cammiecane's journey has been rocky, but her bravery and progress is a testament to the power of self-love and better health. Her success in overcoming an eating disorder while also working to improve her physical health should be an example to anyone struggling with weight issues. Continue to work towards better health and don't be afraid to seek help when needed.

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.