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One Woman's Journey From 220Lbs to 176Lbs in 1 Year

Read about Prkle's inspiring weight loss journey, losing 44lbs in a year, and achieving her second goal.

Article by Madeleine Smith

A before and after photo of a 5'6" female showing a weight reduction from 220 pounds to 176 pounds. A respectable loss of 44 pounds.
F/25/5'6" [220lbs > 176lbs = 44 lbs] (1 year progress) Finally reached my second goal!!!
Originally posted on /r/progresspics


Prkle, a Reddit user, shared her weight loss progress with the community, showing off her incredible transformation. Over the course of a year, she lost 44lbs, going from 220lbs to 176lbs and achieving her second goal. Her journey is not only inspiring, but offers insight into the challenges and successes of weight loss.

The Journey

Prkle’s post shows her progress through pictures: starting at 220lbs and 1 year later, at 176lbs. Her post received a lot of attention from the Reddit community, with comments congratulating her on her progress and encouraging her to continue on her journey.

The Results

Prkle’s weight loss journey resulted in her losing 44lbs, an average of 0.85lbs per week. Her BMI went from 33.5 (obese) to 28.4 (overweight), bringing her closer to the healthy weight range. Her journey showed that slow, steady progress can lead to significant results.

The Takeaway

Prkle's journey offers important lessons for anyone looking to lose weight. She recognizes that her curvy body may not conform to societal ideals, but she is focused on being healthy and happy. Her success shows the importance of setting realistic goals and listening to your own body, knowing when enough is enough. Her journey also highlights the importance of community support in achieving weight loss goals.


Prkle’s journey is an inspiration to anyone looking to lose weight. Her progress demonstrates that with dedication, realistic goals, and a supportive community, significant transformation is possible. She encourages others to try things out for themselves and to focus on their own health and happiness, without being preoccupied with societal standards.

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.