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One Year Weight Journey of Sam Wilkins: Losing 36 Pounds at the Age of 17 and Height of 5'9"

Read about Sam Wilkins' inspiring journey of losing 36 pounds over the course of 12 months, with no gimmicks, just dedication and lifestyle changes.

Article by Madeleine Smith

A picture of a 5'9" male showing a weight loss from 183 pounds to 147 pounds. A total loss of 36 pounds.
M/17/5'9" [183lbs > 147lbs = 36 pounds] (12 months)
Originally posted on /r/progresspics


Sam Wilkins, at the age of 17 and 5'9", has undergone a remarkable transformation to lose 36 pounds of weight over the course of a year. His post on Reddit documents his journey, which has since gained 50 upvotes and inspired many. His approach was simple, with no fad diets or extensive workouts, but rather through sustainable lifestyle changes he implemented over time.

Making Changes to Eating Habits

Sam chose to tackle his diet first, focusing on reducing his overall calorie intake and limiting his consumption of processed foods. He began tracking his meals using an app and making healthier choices, such as swapping out sugary drinks for water and increasing his intake of fruits and vegetables. Through these changes, he was able to create a calorie deficit and lose weight at a steady pace.

Incorporating More Physical Activity

In addition to changes in his eating habits, Sam made a conscious effort to increase physical activity in his daily routine. He began by setting small goals, such as going for a walk each day, and gradually increased the intensity and duration of his workouts. This helped him to burn more calories and build muscle, improving his overall fitness.

Finding Motivation and Staying on Track

Sam's journey was not without its challenges, but he found ways to stay motivated and on track. He surrounded himself with supportive people and shared his progress with friends and family, which helped to hold himself accountable. He also reminded himself of why he started and celebrated his progress along the way. Despite setbacks, he maintained a positive attitude and persevered in his efforts.


Sam's weight loss journey is a testament to the power of sustainable lifestyle changes to achieve long-term success. His approach focused on making small changes over time, rather than relying on fad diets or intensive workouts. For those looking to make similar changes, Sam's story offers inspiration and practical advice. Anyone can implement small changes, like swapping out sugary drinks or going for a walk, to achieve better health and fitness over time.

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.