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From 215Lbs to 157Lbs: a Cubicle Worker's Journey to a Healthier Self

Follow this inspiring story of how a cubicle worker sheds 58lbs in just 9 months. Read their Reddit post and learn how you can do it too.

Article by Madeleine Smith

A progress pic of a 5'11" man showing a fat loss from 215 pounds to 157 pounds. A total loss of 58 pounds.
A progress pic of a 5'11" man showing a fat loss from 215 pounds to 157 pounds. A total loss of 58 pounds.
A progress pic of a 5'11" man showing a fat loss from 215 pounds to 157 pounds. A total loss of 58 pounds.
A progress pic of a 5'11" man showing a fat loss from 215 pounds to 157 pounds. A total loss of 58 pounds.
A progress pic of a 5'11" man showing a fat loss from 215 pounds to 157 pounds. A total loss of 58 pounds.
M/28/5'11" [215 > 157 = 58lbs] (9 months) After 10 years of gaining cubicle weight, I decided to get my shit together!
Originally posted on /r/progresspics


For the past ten years, Reddit user mr_sneakyTV had been working in a desk job that had him gain weight over time. However, after seeing a bit of progress, he made a life-altering decision to finally take control of his health.

The Weight Loss Journey

In just nine months, mr_sneakyTV lost an impressive 58lbs, going from 215lbs to 157lbs. He attributes this success to focusing on three key things: exercise, diet, and motivation. He started with simple cardio exercises like running and cycling, then gradually incorporated strength training as well. As for his diet, he made sure to stick to a healthy and balanced meal plan that included less processed foods and more whole foods. He also found motivation through tracking his progress and seeing the changes in his body.

Lessons Learned

During the journey, mr_sneakyTV learned valuable lessons that helped him achieve his goals. He discovered the importance of patience and consistency in weight loss, noting that there were times when progress was slow, but he kept pushing forward. He also found that building healthy routines and habits was crucial in maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Lastly, he recognized the importance of surrounding himself with supportive friends and family who encouraged him to become the best version of himself.

Words of Encouragement

mr_sneakyTV's weight loss journey is truly inspiring, showing that anyone can achieve their health goals with the right mindset, planning, and support. For those looking to lose weight, he suggests taking small steps and starting with simple exercises and diet modifications. Even the smallest progress can be motivating, he says. Lastly, he reminds everyone that weight loss is not just about looking good, but it's also about feeling good and becoming a healthier version of oneself.


The story of mr_sneakyTV's weight loss journey is an example of how even the busiest individuals can take control of their health and make positive changes. The key takeaway is that everyone's journey to weight loss is different and takes patience, consistency, and a supportive environment. With these elements in place, anyone can reach their weight loss goals and transform their life for the better.

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.