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How Weightlifting Transformed This Woman's Body in 5 Weeks

Find out how one woman's weightlifting journey led to visible changes in her body, even though the scales didn't budge.

Article by Madeleine Smith

A photo of a 5'4" woman showing a snapshot of 132 pounds at a height of 5'4
F/26/5'4 [60kg -> 60kg] (5 weeks) scales have stayed the same but waist has appeared!
Originally posted on /r/progresspics

Trust Your Waist, Not Just the Scales

Sometimes, the scales don't tell the whole story. Case in point: Reddit user Ntknw1234, who reported in a Reddit thread that her body transformed in five weeks after she began weight training. Although her weight stayed the same at 60 kg, she noticed a big change in the shape of her body, with her waist appearing much smaller.

Focus on Fitness, Not Just Numbers

While tracking your weight is important for tracking progress, it's worth prioritizing other markers of success, such as how your clothes fit and how you feel. Ntknw1234 made a point to focus on fitness over just the numbers on the scale. She ate around 1600 calories per day, with low carb and high protein intake to support her weightlifting routine. In particular, she did a lot of lower body work such as squats, Bulgarian split squats, single leg RDL, and deadlifts.

Embrace Your Strengths and Weaknesses

Through her weightlifting journey, Ntknw1234 learned to embrace both her strengths and weaknesses. She discovered that her legs gained muscle easily and became more content with her body shape once she started working out. Instead of killing herself with cardio to try to achieve a certain look, she focused on building functional strength that made her feel great.

Remember: Progress Looks Different for Everyone

It's easy to compare yourself to others, especially in online communities. However, everyone's body is different, and it's important to remember that progress looks different for every individual. Ntknw1234's journey may not look like yours, but it's a good reminder that changes happen even when the scales don't budge.

Find Joy in the Journey

In the end, the most important part of any weight loss or fitness journey is finding joy in the process. Ntknw1234 found that weightlifting was a sustainable and enjoyable program that allowed her to still eat food she enjoyed and have a few glasses of wine each week. She encourages others to try different programs to find something that works for them, rather than just trying to do what works for someone else.

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.